Hello everyone,
Milestone: I will decide on a new milestone based on my presentation on Friday
Actions Items Completed:
Among these papers, I was initially planning to present the approaches of the first three papers which I thought were the most important ones. Later on, while reading I added the last paper. I have fully understood the first two papers but I’m still not fully confident on the last two papers.(Their approaches are vastly different with lots of mathematical proofs). Hence, I’ll present these four papers’ approaches on Friday.
In today’s meeting, I will talk briefly about the general approach of Auditing Differential Privacy, its problem statement and current technical challenges.
Dr. Lei:
sounds good. look forward to your presentation on this topic.
Hello everyone,
Milestone: 14th Feb: Present on the findings based on the last discussion’s action items
Actions Items completed:
Dr. Lei:
sounds good. look forward to your presentation on friday
Hello everyone,
Milestone: 14th Feb: Present on the findings based on the last discussion’s action items
Feb 5th: Work with Krishna on the first draft for paper submission
Actions Items completed:
Note: Points 2-5 were supposed to be subpoints for point no.1
Dr. Lei:
since you completed the action items, please prepare the answers in the status report or make a presentation. this is how to make your status report more informative.
I understand Dr. Lei. I was trying to show points 2-5 as questions I focused on while carrying out literature review. I haven’t found answers to them yet, I’m still carrying out the literature review. I will make the weekly status more informative from next time.
Dr. Lei:
i see. thanks
Hello everyone,
Milestone: 31st Jan: Create a list of all relevant papers on the problem pointed out by Dr. Lei and present briefly on them
Feb 5: Work with Krishna on the first draft for paper submission
Action Items completed this week:
I’m using the following methods:
I have found some papers that are more or less related. I’ll search some more and present on Friday.
Dr. Lei:
on friday, can you show the group your project webpage with the list of papers on this topic? please make sure the quality of the list, both in terms of relevance and completeness.
Hello everyone,
Milestone: 4th Feb: Present findings based on the questions I received during my last presentation
I will give the new idea presentation tomorrow on the paper, “Auditing Differentially Private Machine Learning: How Private is Private SGD?”
Action Items completed this week:
I have been carrying out literature review to answer these questions
It seems Fadul will do the new idea presentation today according to the new schedule so I will do it next week.
Dr. Lei:
i suggest you focus on the problem of how to test the privacy properties of a model. the input is a model, blackbox or not, and a privacy statement; the output is yes or no, in terms of whether the statement is true for the given model.
in this semester, your effort should be centered around this problem.
the first action item i suggest is to make a list of papers on this topic and put it on your project webpage. all the papers must be related to this topic, and need to be comprehensive, i.e., it should include major papers on this topic. in the following week, please focus on this action item and deliver.
Hello everyone,
Milestone: I will decide on a new milestone based on the feedback I receive on my presentation tomorrow
I will present on the scenario of Privacy Testing and previously read papers tomorrow
Action Items completed this week:
Hello everyone,
Milestone: Dec 10: Present on the current scenario of Privacy testing and my previously read papers and set a new milestone based on the feedback I receive on that presentation
I will present on the scenario of Privacy Testing and previously read papers on the Friday Meeting.
Action Items Completed this week:
Dr. Lei:
look forward to your presentation today
Dr. Lei, I’m feeling a bit under the weather myself today and I want to run it through Krishna before I present it to the group so I’ll present it in the Friday meeting. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Hello everyone,
Milestone: Dec 10: Present on the current scenario of Privacy testing and my previously read papers and set a new milestone based on the feedback I receive on that presentation
I spent most of my time last week at my relatives for thanksgiving and I was studying for my final exam which was yesterday so I couldn’t commit much time to research. Also, I have to finish all of the TA grading by Friday so I’ve been very busy with that.
Meeting minutes for meeting with Krishna:
Topic: Privacy Testing in General
Topic: White Box DP Testing methods
Topic: Black box DP Testing
Dr. Lei:
good that you are working with krishna. keep it up
Hello everyone,
Milestone: Set a new milestone based on the feedback I receive on my presentation on Friday Meeting
I had multiple Project/Assignment deadlines last week so I couldn’t commit much time to research
Actions Items completed:
I have project presentations going on in my GTA class right before the meeting so I could be 5-10 minutes late in today’s meeting.
Hi Dr Lei, my professor has scheduled an online class today during the meeting time to finish the coursework. The attendance carries points in this course so I won’t be able to miss this class. So, I won’t be able to join the online meeting today. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Hello everyone,
Milestone: Nov 26:Create a summarized presentation of everything I have read so far and the overall scenario of Privacy Testing in Machine learning
Action Items completed:
Hello everyone,
Milestones: Nov 12: Present findings related to the new approach
I was very sick the whole week last week so I couldn’t get much done. I’m currently still searching for information on possible service providers(or services) where I can test their whole implementation. (Following up on the discussion we had)
Dr. Lei:
hope you have recovered. what do you mean by service providers?
Hello everyone,
Milestones: Nov 5:Present findings related to new approach as discussed in the last meeting
I have been feeling very ill and won’t be able to give the new idea presentation tomorrow. I will give the presentation at the Friday meeting instead. I will join tomorrow’s meeting if I feel a little better tomorrow.
Actions Items Completed:
Hello everyone,
Milestones: Oct 29:Present findings related to new approach as discussed in the last meeting
I’m postponing the previous milestones regarding setting up and running experiments until I’ve investigated and presented my new baseline approach based on the new discussion we had
Action Items:
Milestone: Oct 24:Setup experiments integrating Influence function
Oct 31:Present experimental results with use of influence functions
Actions Items completed this week:
These two papers were published very recently for testing privacy of differential privacy in a black box setting. I am currently trying to fully understand the methodology of the second(Eureka) paper(Published in September), their methodology promises lots of improvements over current methods.
Dr. Lei:
at this point, the key concern is to have a reasonable baseline, which should include clearly specified input/output, the key insight, and a step-by-step process.
Milestone: Oct 24:Setup experiment integrating Influence function
Oct 15:Present Updated Baseline Approach
Oct 31:Present experimental results with use of influence functions
Action Items completed in previous weeks:
I had the final exam for a subject today and have a project due this Friday so I have been mostly busy preparing for that.
I have been currently exploring the use of influence functions, this will give the most influential training points which can be changed to bring maximum change in output for detecting possible violations of privacy. I will explain more about this in my updated baseline approach presentation next week.
Dr. Lei:
Glad that you are the first one to send out the status update. In terms of action times, I would like to see more on the “result”, i.e., what you have achieved. For example, what do you mean by “setup base experiment based on other papers”? are you able to run those experiments or not? also, on the literature review, what papers you have read, and what interesting ideas you have found from these papers? try to make your status updates as meaningful/informative as possible, especially from the reader’s perspective.
I understand Dr. Lei, I will keep these in mind moving forward. Regarding the base experiment setup, yes I can run them. I am basing it on the experiment setup by another paper, it runs but because of the time taken, I haven’t completed running the experiments. I have to set up a parallelizing mechanism like nohup for it to run quicker. I’m looking into integrating the Influence functions into the setup.
And regarding the papers, the two papers I read were:
I am currently exploring the idea of SGD Influence functions based on the first paper, because of its claims of efficiency compared to other methods of Influence functions.
No update was provided for the week ending 2024-10-02.
Hello everyone,
Milestone: Setup and carry initial experiment by 9/27
Action Items completed this week:
Dr. Lei:
try not to miss the milestone
Hello everyone,
Milestone: Setup and carry initial experiment by 9/27
Action Items completed this week:
Hello everyone,
Milestone:Setup and carry out initial experiments by 9/27
I have an exam on Wednesday so I have been mostly preparing for that
Action Items completed this week:
I’ll be presenting for the new idea session tomorrow.
Dr. Lei:
sounds good. please discuss the baseline approach with krishna and present to the group
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