Welcome to Jeff Lei's Lab

The Software Engineering Research Group supervised by Dr. Jeff Lei is part of Software Engineering Research Center (SERC) in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). Our group conducts cutting-edge research in various areas of software engineering, including software design, specification, analysis, verification, and testing.

We are looking for passionate new PhD students and Master students to join the team (more info) !


August 25, 2023
New Lab Member! Welcome Pujan Budhathoki to our lab as a Ph.D. student.

July 31, 2023
New Published Paper! Qiping, Fadule & Jack have their paper titled "SmartExecutor: Coverage-Driven Symbolic Execution Guided by a Function Dependency Graph", being accepted by BRAINS 2023(https://brains.dnac.org/).

March 1, 2023
New Lab Member! Welcome Arjun Dahal to our lab as a Ph.D. student.

December 20, 2022
New Published Paper! Jack, Xiaolei & Qiping have their paper titled "MagicMirror: Towards High-Coverage Fuzzing of Smart Contracts", being accepted into ICST 2023. ICST is a major conference in Software Testing, and smart contract is an exciting application domain.

July 11, 2022
New Published Paper! Mengfei has her extension work of the first project being accepted by ACM Journal Digital Threats: Research and Practice, titled "Security Analysis of Zigbee Protocol Implementation".

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